Kāore he whārangi reo Māori mō tēnei. Aroha mai mēnā he raruraru ki a koe.

Online safety includes making sure school and kura teachers, leaders and administrators are also using the Internet securely. That means keeping the networks secure and making sure that any data held within a school or kura is kept safe and private.

Filters for inappropriate content

Installing a web filter helps to protect and prevent ākonga from accessing harmful and inappropriate content on school devices. Network for Learning(external link) (N4L), the government-funded Internet service provider, offers safety and security solutions to help keep your school, staff and ākonga safe online.

Supported by Netsafe and CERT NZ, N4L provides security solutions such as firewalls, website filtering and threat protection. More information about the different security solutions provided by N4L is available on their website:

This page also contains information about the MoE-funded email protection solution which is available to all schools and provides them with a high level of email security and added peace of mind.

Support for home educators

Children and young people who are home educated can be protected from online harms by using the Ministry of Education and N4L's Switch on Safety filter which is available for free on the N4L website:

Netsafe educator framework

The framework supports educators to undertake a review of their current position, inform their next steps and their longer term plans. It does this by providing a framework so that leaders and kaiako can gauge current capability, identify areas for development, and track progress towards goals. The framework draws on ERO's Wellbeing For Success Indicators, and the Education Council's Leadership Capability Framework as a school-wide approach to help leaders and kaiako strategically map the 'what' and 'how', to deliver the 'why'.