What is upsetting content?
Sometimes you might stumble across content that is not illegal but can be very upsetting to see. This could include receiving a message that contains violent or upsetting images and videos, or content that promotes criminal behaviour.
The eSafety Commissioner explains the different ways you might react to upsetting content.
What do I do if I see upsetting content?
Netsafe has lots of great information and tips for young people who have seen inappropriate or offensive content online:
- It's okay to be unsure about how you feel about what you've seen or read. It can be confusing, and for many people upsetting.
- Think about talking to a trusted adult like a parent or teacher or even a friend. Youthline(external link) has confidential counsellors available to talk to.
- If it's happened while at school it's good to talk to a teacher as they may know more information about the content that you've seen e.g. your dean or a teacher you trust may have had other students come to them about the same situation.
- Be careful about talking to your siblings or a friend about what you've seen. Friends can be a great support, but the content you've seen could be triggering or upsetting to them as well. Check in with your friends first to see if they are in the right mindset to support you before talking to them.
- Where possible report the content as it will help prevent others from seeing it. For more information about how to report visit: Report Content.
Talk to Netsafe if you're not sure about what do about something you have seen online by calling 0508 638 723 or visiting netsafe.org.nz(external link).