E lē o maua le itulau lenei i le Gagana Samoa. Matou te faamālūlū atu ai ona o lea tulaga.

What is bullying?


Bullying is more than someone being mean to you. It’s intentionally harmful behaviour that happens a lot over a period of time.

 If you want to know more check out bullying free.

To see the effects online bullying can have on someone check out The Eggplant | Episode 2: Eat Like Mei:

What can I do if I'm being bullied?

For more information about how to deal with online bullying visit Netsafe(external link).(external link)

I need support

If you’re being bullied check out ICON(external link). They have heaps of advice about bullying based on specific situations and real stories from other young people about their experience.

Netsafe also offer some great advice

If you want to talk to someone about what you’re going through, there are lots of great organisations that can help. Or head to our help and support(external link) page.