General support
- Samaritans(external link): an all-day helpline. Phone 0800 726 666.
- What's Up(external link): phone counselling is available Monday to Sunday, 11am–11pm. Online chat is available 11am–10.30pm daily. Phone: 0800 942 8787.
- Youthline(external link): Phone: 0800 376 633. Free Text 234. Email or chat online(external link).
- 1737(external link): text or talk with a trained counsellor 24 hours a day. Free service. Text or phone: 1737.
- The Lowdown(external link): Straight up answers and help for when 'life sucks'. Email Free text 5626.
Depression or suicide crisis helplines
- Depression Helpline(external link): a free 24/7 helpline. Phone: 0800 111 757 or text 4202.
- Lifeline(external link): a telephone counselling service that provides 24 hours a day, 7 days a week counselling and support. Phone: 0800 543 354.
- Mental Health Foundation(external link): phone: 09 623 4812.
- Suicide Crisis Helpline(external link): provides support, information and resources to people at risk of suicide, family / whanau, friends affected by suicide and people supporting someone with suicidal thoughts and/or suicidal behaviours. Phone 0508 TAUTOKO (0508 828 865).
Help with porn
- The Light Project(external link): provides advice on where to go and apps you can download to help.
- 1737(external link): text or talk with a trained counsellor 24 hours a day. Free service. Text or phone: 1737.
- For support with sexual harm contact Safe to Talk: visit them online(external link), text 4334 or try Maori Safe to talk(external link) or Pasifika Safe to talk(external link).
Bullying, grooming or sextortion
- Netsafe(external link): keeps people safe online and provides free help seven days a week. Free phone 0508 638 723, email or text 4282.
- Mental Health Foundation(external link) phone: 09 623 4812.
- Youthline(external link): 0800 37 66 33 or free text 234 – free telephone counselling for young people.
- What's Up(external link): phone counselling is available Monday to Sunday, 11am–11pm. Online chat is available 11am–10.30pm daily. Phone: 0800 942 8787.
- Shine(external link): 0508 744 633 – free telephone counselling line.
Gender and/or sexual identity
- OUTLine NZ(external link): provides confidential sexuality and or gender identity confidential telephone helpline support. Phone: 0800 688 5463 (0800 OUTLINE) between 6pm - 9pm every evening.
- Rainbow Youth(external link): dedicated to helping young queer and gender diverse (LGBTQIA+) young people up to the ages of 27, as well as their wider communities.
Legal help
- Youth Law(external link): a free legal service for those under 25 yrs. Phone: 0800 884 529. Email