It can be hard knowing how to deal with everything that happens online. We have advice below for dealing with a range of situations from watching porn to sending / receiving nudes to bullying.
Advice to help you think critically and figure out what's real and what's misinformation.
Are you worried about something you've seen or heard about in porn?
Have you got an issue relating to sending or receiving nudes?
Is someone you don't know trying to start a relationship with you online?
Are you worried about being sextorted?
Do you spend a lot of time watching tv shows and movies?
Help and support for violent extremism, child exploitation and harmful material
What to do if you receive spam or scam messages
Are you having trouble with bullies?
Do you spend a lot of time gaming online?
How to keep yourself and your private information safe online
Where to go to report content that is illegal/banned or isn't allowed on a platform