What's wrong with talking to strangers?

Making friends online is normal and talking to people online is a great way to connect. Unfortunately, some people might not really be who they say they are. They could be a groomer that's trying to trick you so they can take advantage of you.

How do groomers get close to young people?

Grooming is a when an adult tries to build a relationship with a young person so that they can exploit them in some way. This includes sexual exploitation.

You might picture someone that is a lot older, but sometimes groomers are only a few years older than their victims. Even if the groomer is just a few years older they are still taking advantage of a younger person.

Sometimes groomers might use the internet to try and exploit a young person. Grooming might sound like something out of movie, but it is not just catfishing – it's really serious and illegal. Netsafe has more information and great advice to help keep you safe from groomers when you're online:

No Filtr also gives a good breakdown of what online grooming can look like and what steps you should take if someone has sent you inappropriate messages. Visit the No Filtr website for more information and advice:

For more information check out The Eggplant | Episode 5: Unhappy Little Accidents:

How do groomers get close to young people?

Watch this video to understand how groomers will try and get close to a young person.

I've been getting groomed - what should I do?

No matter what you've done, none of this is your fault and you don't need to deal with it alone. If you feel comfortable doing it, you can talk to someone you trust.

If you want to know what options you have before you tell anyone, you can contact Netsafe(external link) for free help and advice by free texting 'Netsafe' to 4282, free calling on 0508 NETSAFE or emailing help@netsafe.org.nz.

Netsafe help people who are dealing with this kind of thing all the time and you won't get in any trouble. They'll listen to what's been going on, talk about the situation you're going through, and talk to you about the different things that can be done to help.